Volume Stock Analysis




Trading volume is a crucial metric to analyze when evaluating stocks. Volume stock analysis refers to assessing the number of shares traded for a security over a given period of time, usually a single trading day. By analyzing volume, traders aim to gain key insights into supply and demand dynamics and predict future price movements. This guide will explore common volume stock analysis techniques, strategies, and tools.

Overview of Trading Volume

  • Volume indicates the total number of shares or contracts traded for a security.
  • High volume generally signals high levels of interest and wider participation in a stock.
  • Stocks with high volume tend to be more liquid, exhibiting lower bid-ask spreads and less price manipulation.
  • Analyzing volume can determine conviction behind an emerging trend and whether it may be reversing.

Key Volume Metrics

There are several key metrics technicians use when conducting volume analysis:

  • Volume: The basic daily number of shares traded. Compares current and historical averages.
  • Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP): The average price weighted by volume traded across time intervals. Shows where most shares traded.
  • On-Balance Volume (OBV): Cumulative indicator tracking volume flow to see if investors are net accumulating or distributing shares.
  • Volume by Price: Visual representation indicating traded volume across a range of prices, showing areas with high/low participation.
Metric Description Insights Provided
Volume Total daily shares traded Interest and conviction trends
VWAP Volume-weighted average price Value areas with high participation
OBV Cumulative volume flow Net inflows/outflows from large participants
Volume by Price Volume across price range Price levels with high/low conviction

Core Volume Analysis Strategies

Here are some of the most common price-volume analysis strategies technicians utilize:

Price-Volume Confirmation

  • Volume can act as confirmation or divergence from price action.
  • High volume on breakouts above resistance or breakdowns below support indicates conviction in the new emerging trend.
  • Low volume suggests lack of commitment behind a price move which may soon reverse.

Volume Precedes Price

  • Volume changes tend to lead price moves as supply/demand shifts happen before price reacts.
  • Price breakouts confirmed by surges in volume signal strong directional momentum.
  • Declining volume during an uptrend suggests waning interest as a potential reversal signal.

Volume Spikes

  • Isolated extreme volume spikes relative to averages often flag inflection points in trends.
  • Very high volume marks climactic exhaustion points indicating a price reversal.
  • Low volume retests of prior highs/lows tend to fail as sustainable breakouts/breakdowns.

Key Volume Analysis Tools

Here are some essential charting tools technicians utilize when analyzing volume:

  • Volume Charts: The most basic view, charting price action overlaid with volume histograms or indicators. Visually confirms volume trends.
  • Volume Overlays: Indicators like OBV or Chaikin Money Flow plotted over price charts. Shows bullish/bearish volume momentum.
  • VWAP Indicator: Shows the volume-weighted price average, highlighting value areas. Useful for intraday trading.
  • Volume by Price: Visual heat map indicating relative volume traded at each price level. Reveals high/low conviction areas.

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Trading Signals from Volume Analysis

Analyzing price and volume data can provide trading signals such as:

  • Increased volume confirming resistance breakouts: Likely signals start of new uptrend
  • High volume retests of support failing: Suggests bearish weakness instead of rebound
  • Declining volume into new highs/lows: Divergence indicating impending reversal ahead
  • Climactic volume spikes above prior peaks: Marks terminal exhaustion points at trend turning points

Incorporating volume analysis with other technical indicators can further confirm emerging/reversing price trends to improve the odds of profitable trades.


Assessing the amount of trading activity behind price movements through volume stock analysis provides invaluable insights for technicians. From confirming trend conviction, assessing participation, and predicting reversals, analyzing volume allows traders to gauge supply and demand shifts driving prices. By combining price and volume analysis, technical traders can more reliably spot high-probability trade setups. The array of volume metrics, indicators, and chart tools makes incorporating volume stock analysis an essential component of prudent technical research.


Pan, M. and Zeng, Y., 2019. Price–volume relation and momentum strategies. Accounting & Finance, 59(S1), pp.925-956.

Leung, T. and Zheng, X., 2015. Order imbalance, liquidity and price movements around earnings announcements. Journal of Financial Markets, 22, pp.28-58.

Wang, H. and Wang, H., 2015. Market volatility and momentum. Journal of Empirical Finance, 30, pp.79-91.



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